
how do you prepare acorns to eat

Store dried flour in jars in the fridge. According to Kansas State University, acorns do become safe to eat when they are roasted; the tannin content is reduced considerably by heating. The flour also makes an excellent pasta dough when mixed with regular flour. Looks like we'll need to gather quite a few acorns for 7 people! Since my parents' passing, I have been meaning to collect acorns and prepare them. Privacy Policy Submitted by The Editors on December 31, 2018 - 2:21pm. I made these acorn pancakes today, and they tasted amazing! I'm printing those out too, for reference! Once leached, drain the flour and put it in the fridge and cook with it over the next week or two. Well, I had literally copies all those recipes by hand... wrote them out word for word, then returned the book to school. If the acorn sinks…it’s bug free and edible. They can be added to a winter stew for extra bite too! Acorns are extremely nutritious and readily available to most of us, making them a healthful and convenient addition to many recipes.Note: Acorns do contain a bitter organic substance called tannin that must be leached out before eating. So I cracked and peeled a few while harvesting my own winter stash. Moreover, we do not select every advertiser or advertisement that appears on the web site-many of the Getting all that tannin out is the most important step. Toast the acorns for 15 minutes at 375 degrees F. Alternatively, you can place them in a pan and then roll them around over a campfire. These oak tree fruits contain healthy levels of carbohydrates, protein and fiber. The taste is sweet, similar to a chestnut, and it is VERY filling. Roasting is probably the easiest way to cook acorns. There are many more wild edibles out there that have amazing complexity and taste and nutrition. I remember one in particular had all sorts of recipes for living off the land, using dandelions, violets, cattails, acorns, etc. When gathering acorns, look for brown, fully mature acorns that still have their caps, as those without caps are more susceptible to infestation by worms and other critters. Dump the acorns into the pot. After coming across this article, and reading the comments, I have decided I really do want to try this. This recipe adapted from Sharon Hendricks. Growing up in a family full of landscapers and carpenters, Amber Kelsey learned all about home and garden topics through osmosis. Then wrap the cheesecloth tight and carefully squeeze the rest of the water out of the acorns. This article re-energized me to do so, now. salt ½ cup milk Quality nutmeat will be yellowish in colour. Mix cooked acorns with raisins or other dried fruit to make a trail mix. Bake in a 350 degrees F (175 degrees C) oven until it … LIVESTRONG is a registered trademark of the LIVESTRONG Foundation. Also, the "Tannin Water" CAN be saved and used to tan leather, although it takes much longer to Oak-tan leather than to Brain-tan it. In short, not only are acorns edible, but they are an important part of our nutritional history. If you think that acorns are just for squirrels, then it's time to think again. Select acorns to cook. You see the fibrous shell or I call "Hairy Bark" on the seeds. Note that some books instruct us to boil acorns, but this locks in some of the bitterness. Strain the nuts through a colander and drop the strained nuts into the second pot of boiling water. Acorn Pancakes Recipe Acorn Brittle. Copyright Policy salad oil 1 tsp. of honey, and then I added 2 tsp. The only thing I did, is I added the tsp. Let us know how it went in the comments below! You have to pour already-boiling water onto the acorns each time. NOW: Take a dull paring knife and open "all" the segments of the Acorn nut. Clean your acorns. After hot water leaching, place the damp chunks onto a baking tray and sprinkle with salt. THIS IS WHAT I LEARNED! Simple solutions for simple crafts. Once the acorns have been leached and roasted, allow them to air dry thoroughly. Start two pots of water boiling. Like I said earlier; I used room temperature over the hearth of fireplace as it's winter now and not much Sunlight. Refill the large stockpot three-quarters full of cold tap water. A little astringent flavor did remain, but I only leached the acorn puree for 4 hours. Then ground them up in my food processor. Dump out the dark water from pot 1, then add the nuts to pot 2. To avoid rotting, it’s very important that the acorns dry fully. Look for rounded- lobed leaves as opposed to spike-lobed leaves. (1, 2, 3) We humans have been eating acorns … Place the acorns in a bowl of clean, cool water and remove any that float. any of the products or services that are advertised on the web site. See more ideas below! Submitted by Jerry on October 9, 2020 - 7:32pm, my wife is taking them out of the shell cutting them up into smaller pieces then she is putting them in our dehydrator. The heat locked the tannins in and I could not get them out afterward. Substitute acorns for chestnuts in baking recipes. Refrain from choosing acorns with big caps, as they tend to be very bitter. So when I got home I pulled the purslane growing wild in the front garden and made a salad out of it--best salad I've eaten in decades. Then soak these acorn chunks in cold, warm, or even hot water to remove the bitter and irritating tannic acid. Submitted by Rick on October 15, 2016 - 7:20pm. (mine took about 3 days). advertisements are served by third party advertising companies. While it's great that The Old Farmers Almanac is promoting acorn consumption, the directions get it completely wrong. Pour batter onto hot, greased griddle and cook slowly until brown. We’re glad to hear that the recipe worked well for you! Thanks for the correction, I will try the no boil method. One sphere, acorns and a piece of yarn, that is all you need for an epic Christmas decoration. Acorns are extremely nutritious and readily available in nature, making them a healthy addition to many recipes. The answer is yes. Alternatively, you can soak the raw acorns in cold water to leach the tannins out. Acorns come from oak trees, which can be found across North America. Pour the nuts into the pot and let them soak for a minimum of 1 hour to soften the shells. Now you are ready to prepare the nuts according to your preferences. You can also freeze your fresh acorn meal. Cook the nuts for about 60 minutes or until they turn a chocolate brown color. Cann the tannins extracted from the Acorns be used to tan leather? 2020 (the nut will be in 1/4's when done) You will see the small seams are dark in-between the segments. Nail paint and acorns. Refill the first stockpot and bring it to a boil. People can definitely eat acorns, and some do, but they do typically require a certain amount of preparation in order to be palatable. Acorn flour is gluten-free and super versatile. The "Tannin Water" can also be used for various medicinal needs as well. If you think that acorns are just for squirrels, then it's time to think again. BONUS: You’ll also receive our Almanac Companion newsletter! We live in a Black Oak forest so have many Acorns this year. Yet, if you are a DIY, decor, or craft enthusiast, you likely know the potential that acorns have for amping up fall decor, or becoming something amazing in a fun craft project. Next time I'll do it for much longer and see how that turns out. Try this. Every day you shake the jar, wait 12 hours or more, then pour off the water — and the … It’s fun to forage and try making something adventurous. Submitted by thnkfulmom3 on October 13, 2010 - 12:06pm. You must treat and cook acorns before eating them. Native Americans have a long history of consuming acorns, and the Japanese used this nut to supplement rice during World War II, according to When processing acorns, patience is NOT optional if you want to eventually see,(and taste), the fruits of your labor. One of the easiest ways to cook acorns is to roast them. Substitute acorns for chestnuts in baking recipes. Of these tribes, many were able to meet their nutritional needs and make it through a hard winter with the help of acorns. Preheat your oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Leach your acorns to draw out the tannins. Finally, this method cooks out the … Dry your acorns.. Here’s how to roast the nuts: When partially dry, coarse grind a few acorns at a time in a blender. Serve with butter and syrup or jam—and enjoy! Source: Texas A&M University AgriLife Extension. Yes, used to be used in and still work very well in tanning. Or, you could put them in an oven set to “warm.” You can also put the acorns in a dehydrator set on low heat. Submitted by The Editors on September 1, 2020 - 1:34pm. Bring a large pot of water to boil. Submitted by M. Eric Hanemann on September 13, 2018 - 6:47pm. Submitted by Kate on September 3, 2019 - 11:39am. If you want to eat your acorns or grind them into a flour…place a few handfuls at a time in a clean bowl of water. Firstly, acorns are a species of nut. Do you think they are edible and should this same process be used? Hi. Some Native Americans tribes had acorns as a staple food. Repeat the process without interruption (do not let the acorns cool) until the water boils clear. We do most of our shopping at a farm stand on Long Island. and Drain the acorns in the colander and let cool for about 10 minutes. In the mean time heat up another pot of water to boil. My mom would make muffins and pancakes that were nutty and delicious. Much like pine cones, I'm convinced acorns are one of those things often overlooked by everyone except curious kids and crafters. I gathered one bucket of shelled acorns to try these recipes, especialy the Acorn Candy and Flour. Boiling the acorns cooks them, making them unsuitable as flour (though fine for adding to soups). Pour the nuts into a colander and rinse under the tap. honey or sugar ½ cup leached and ground acorns ½ cup cornmeal ½ cup whole wheat or white flour 2 tsp. Avoid green, unripe acorns, as these are higher in... Rinse your acorns thoroughly to remove any contaminants, such as dirt and small insects. Avoid any acorns that appear mildewed, dusty, blackened, etc. These oak tree fruits contain … Acorns are the nuts of the oak tree, and they contain two seeds inside their hard outer shell. Place them in a pot or bowl and fill it with water, then remove and dispose of any floating acorns, as they have likely gone bad. Native people on several continents used to let a running stream do the work of leaching, by tethering baskets of acorns in a stream and allowing the cold water to run through the nuts for several days. Oak trees are easily identifiable—they’re the ones with all the acorns around them! You can gather them from oak trees in the fall and roast them to make a delicious snack. Repeat until you are left with a flour- or cornmeal-like substance. I still have those hand-written copies, and always wondered about trying some, but have been skiddish. Thanks for sharing! (source:, Submitted by Da Kong on October 17, 2019 - 2:37pm. Once you crack and remove the skins from the acorns you should puree them (assuming they're not dried yet--resoak if you dried them earlier or risk destroying your food processor). You can eat them raw, or you can use the following ideas to give you a sense of the options that are available. Yes, you can eat acorns – but you have to know how to prepare them first. Keep transferring the acorns from one pot of boiling water to the other until the water stays clear. A Step-by-Step Guide to Preparing and Cooking with Acorns. Making acorn flour isn’t the only way you can enjoy acorns. This is what I did learn on my own: Do not heat Acorns directly if you want to make flour as they will cook in shells. double action baking powder ½ tsp. This is the second major source of the tannin one would forget. Set the colander aside to let the acorns air-dry, or simply dry them by hand with a dish towel. So Can You Eat Acorns? Fill a large stockpot about three-quarters full of cool tap water. Mix up cooked acorns with raisins or other dried fruit to make a trail mix. During the Winter, some early Native-American tribes would use acorns as a source of protien to supplement their diets when wild game was scarce, or exclusively when meat was non-existent. However, you need to treat them before roasting, since they contain tannin, which is slightly bitter. Remove the acorns from the oven and let them cool. used as a substitute for professional medical advice, If any acorns float, it is a fair sign that they have gone bad. Do not eat the raw meat of the acorns yet. This may take an hour or more, depending on the variety of acorn. , I read all I could and made plenty of mistakes. If it is hot out, lay the cookie sheets in the sun. Then grind them and mix with honey, hickory nuts, a pinch of salt and spoon them by teaspoon onto a nonstick baking sheet and bake on low until set. Gather your ripe acorns. However, unlike other nuts, acorns contain substantial concentrations of tannic acid (tannins). Pour this all into a glass jar with a lid and put it in the fridge. Remove the shells and caps from your acorns with a nutcracker (or a hammer, if necessary). My second attempt was two days ago with leaching tannins out with cold water. Great question, Cynthia. You must have JavaScript enabled to use this form. Toast for 15-20 mins on a high heat. While most folks use acorns to make a nutrient-rich, nutty-flavored flour, you can also eat acorns as roasted nuts (they are a lot like chestnuts). Spread the ground acorns to dry on cookie sheets, then grind again in a blender. Kelsey holds master's degrees in English writing and cultural anthropology. Pour the acorns into one pot and let it boil until the water turns dark, usually about 15 minutes. Why acorns? Directions for leaching the tannins out of acorns:. Acorns have been a staple of diets around the world and across cultures, including among some Native Americans. Grind the raw acorns into flour, then mix a ratio of 1 cup of acorn meal to 3 cups water, or more water if you have large containers. Acorns are typically harvested between September and November, when they fall from the trees and become easily accessible to deer, squirrels, and resourceful humans. Makes a great all natural candy. Acorns have been used as a staple food for many groups around the world. Submitted by Christopher Fisher on September 6, 2018 - 12:01am. The LIVESTRONG Foundation and LIVESTRONG.COM do not endorse Submitted by Da Kong on October 17, 2019 - 2:42pm. If batter is too thick, thin with additional milk. Don't toss the seeds, though! Jokes aside, oaks have fairly distinctive leaves and bark; look up which species of oak trees are common in your area to know exactly what signs to look for. Use acorn flour in bread, cake, pancakes, and more! Carefully transfer the acorns to the second pot of boiling water and boil the nuts about 15 minutes. Over 40 years ago, my parents were collecting, grinding and de-tannin-ing acorns for flour. Salt to taste. Boiling also reduces their nutritional value and uses a lot of energy. When it is all said and done you will find that was worth it. the readers think "soaking the Acorns in cold water; rinsing and rinsing; is the best method"; Submitted by Joseph Bennett on December 11, 2019 - 4:06pm. Good luck; have questions contact me. My first attempt to leach the tannins out of white oak acorns was a disaster because I tried to boil them out. If you do boil--you'll still need to grind first, and you'll need to boil multiple times to fully leach the tannins (so you'll need at least two pots of water boiling simultaneously). I live in Northern Arizona where we have a plethora of scrub oaks. The Native Americans practiced permaculture in addition to regular agriculture, and most of their cultivated species persist all around us now, except nobody knows it. If you pour cold water onto hot acorns, you risk binding the tannins to them, and they may never fully come out. Pour the acorns into a single layer on an ungreased, rimmed cookie sheet. Roasting The easiest way to cook acorns is to roast them in a manner similar to how you roast other nuts or seeds. via Have you ever made your own acorn flour? Gently stir the acorns with a wooden spoon. 29. Just like you can with pumpkin, clean them off … Separate the acorn meat from the shells. I've processed acorns and made some really delicious bread with the flour. Place on cookie sheet and allow to dry for a few days over low diffused heat or Sunshine. Boil a kettle of water as you boil the acorns, so you always have fresh boiling water for water changes. It sounds like a pain but it’s really not that difficult. This recipe is very similar to the standard recipe for peanut brittle; you … Of course. They are incredibly nutritious, offering healthy levels of carbohydrates, protein, and fiber. Submitted by Matt Taylor on December 26, 2018 - 1:57pm. Shell your acorns. Flip to brown opposite side. just remember to mix acorn flour with wheat flour for foods you want to rise: for example if a recipe calls for 2 cups of flour, use 1.5 cups of wheat and 0.5 cups of acorn flour--with that proportion you won't need to make any other changes to the recipe). Native Americans have a long history of consuming acorns, and the Japanese used this nut to supplement rice during World War II, according to Her articles in The Green Girl's Guide and Altar demonstrate her eco-friendly nature, and she uses organic practices in her various gardens. Four ounces of acorns has about 500 calories. Change the water when it turns a darker color. Open with pointy end of Acorn down. How about adding acorn flour to a pancake recipe for that nutty taste and nutrition. They are a bit slanted to open so be careful. Step 3 Submitted by Evan Griswold on September 13, 2018 - 12:08pm. This was a learning experience for me. Now use a food dehydrator (or your oven on low heat) to dry the meal thoroughly. The material appearing on LIVESTRONG.COM is for educational use only. One of the best foods to forage are acorns. Remove the acorns from the oven and let them cool. Well, the neighbors are gathering acorns for deer bait, and I was watching the squirls and other animals dance around the hords of large acorns. Give acorns a quick rinse in cool water. diagnosis or treatment. Salt to taste. PARTNER & LICENSEE OF THE LIVESTRONG FOUNDATION. Custom programming and server maintenance by,, Take out any floating acorns because these typically contain weevils or worms. Here are two articles: one about scrub tree acorns and the other from a fellow from Tuscon, Arizona. Spread tannin-free acorns to dry on cookie sheets in a warm place. Look for and only use brown acorns, as these are ripe; green acorns are unripe and are unsuitable for eating (but mature green acorns can ripen in a clean, dry place). I processed Live Oak acorns, it was my first time processing acorns. (I uses a small hammer and pealed out nut with thumbnail). To prepare palatable acorns, crack them out of their shell and break any large pieces into "pea-sized" chunks. If you successfully leach all of the tannic acid out of the acorns, they will not taste bitter. At higher proportions you'll need to increase baking powder. Pour the acorns into a single layer on an ungreased, rimmed cookie sheet. Acorns from the White Oak group of oaks are lower in tannins than those of the Red Oak group. This process may take several days, depending on how long it takes for all the tannins to leach out of the acorn meat. Acorns are tasty and nutritious and also easy to harvest. Leaf Group Ltd. Foragers and harvesters often recommend the following steps: Look for fully mature, brown acorns with the caps still attached. And remember: if you find any acorn weevils, those are edible too! You will need about two pounds of acorns to make three cups of acorn flour. Toast them for 15-20 minutes at 375 degrees in a pre-heated oven, or roll them around in a dry frying pan over the camp fire. Submitted by lj turner on October 14, 2014 - 4:52pm. Ellen Zachos Step One . After you have your squash open, use a spoon to scrape out the seeds. Submitted by Janice Cagan-Teuber on September 13, 2018 - 9:38am. In fact, they are! Great recipe! Replace the water every time it turns light brown and keep the water boiling. When I was a kid I'd bring books home from the school library. I found the drier, larger acorns to have a bit of a sweet taste, but still some tannin. The content of this field is kept private and will not be shown publicly. Break egg into bowl and add all ingredients, beating to create a batter. Place the acorns in a colander and run them under the tap for a minute or two to dislodge any loose dirt or hitchhiking bugs. Place the acorns in a bowl large enough to cover them with water. via Bring two large stockpots to a boil. I thought, what is all the rage aboout? Acorns from white oak trees are typically mild and slightly sweet, while those from red or black oaks contain more tannins and are quite bitter., Submitted by A ROCKWELL on August 28, 2020 - 11:05am. If it floats…there are little beasties lurking behind that acorn’s pretty facade. The rest is as you can see in your own investigation. Submitted by Michelle C James on September 12, 2017 - 6:49am, Acorns contain a lot of tannin which can cause severe stomach upset. Spread the wet acorn meal in a thin layer on cookie sheets or flat pans. I told her that she should soak them in water to get rid of the tannin out of them first who is right or does it matter, Submitted by Donna Davis Sto... on August 31, 2020 - 7:34am, Submitted by Cynthia on August 28, 2020 - 7:15pm. You can shell the nuts by using a nutcracker or hitting them with a clean hammer. Also, why not? Soak the acorns. We're literally surrounded with an abundance of food and herbal medicines that almost no one takes advantage of. The key is to rinse, rinse and rinse. Here’s how to prepare and cook acorns! Fill the bowl with water and remove any floaters. We are going to try this recipe over the weekend. Use of this web site constitutes acceptance of the LIVESTRONG.COM Throw out any rotten nuts. Submitted by Erik Assadourian on September 30, 2016 - 10:59am. Place the damp nut chunks on a baking sheet and sprinkle with fine salt. Copyright © Cook the nuts for about 60 minutes or until they turn a chocolate brown color. Ingredients: One egg 1 tsp. . Step 2 Turn acorn squash upside down onto a cookie sheet. Much better, and made a delicious acorn flour cake with raisins last night. Do not rinse your acorns with cold water during the leaching process or you'll bind the tannins to the acorn and they will turn out bitter. Submitted by Everett De Morier on October 4, 2014 - 5:13pm. Acorns contain bitter-tasting tannins, so you must prepare, treat and cook the nuts before you eat them. Terms of Use Once the acorns have a brownish color and a roasted smell to them, they are ready to eat, and you can eat them as you would normal peanuts. Surprisingly, they are also a good source of Vitamins A and C. Plus, they have a wonderful rich, nutty taste. of white granulated sugar. In a similar way to other popular nuts, acorns provide carbohydrate, fat, protein, and a wide range of essential nutrients.. Preheat your oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. How to Make Acorn Flour. If you think acorns are only for squirrels, think again. If you’re willing to wait, consider harvesting acorns this year and storing them in a cool, dry place until next fall, when they’ll be fully dried and easier to work with. It behaves very similar to wheat flour and can be substituted in baking recipes for up to half of the all-purpose flour. Enjoy your acorns! If you plan to store your acorns for more than a couple weeks then drying them is … It's good, as far as the standard fruits and vegetables go, but last week I realized that the range of what we all eat is actually quite limited. Before you go on making full-blown acorn bread, you will need to make the flour. Then you should cold leach the acorns: soaking the ground acorns in a large container, changing the water regularly over several days until the acorn flour is no longer bitter to taste (the water will never get clear but it will be very light in color at that point). Discard the dark water from the first pot, then refill it and bring the water to a boil again. I dried the acorn pieces out in the oven at about 180 degrees. Drop the raw, shell-less acorns into one pot and boil until the water is the color of strong tea. Boil the shelled acorns in a pot of water for about two hours. Drain your acorns in the colander and pat dry with paper towels. 30. happy acorn necklaces for children. I noticed that they produce acorns every year, or at least what looks like acorns. There’s also some technique involved. Have you ever wondered if the squirrels might be onto something? Acorns in the toilet tank. Throw out the shells and caps. All acorns are edible though some are probably more palatable than others. Let it drain through the strainer until it stops. Submitted by Gina on September 5, 2019 - 12:30pm. The Redhawk's Lounge website suggests that you not harvest any acorns without caps because they usually contain worms. Place the … the bark will peal off easily. I opted for the cold water method, after 5 to 6 days, they were ready to go. After you have de-shelled your acorns heat up a pot of water until it boils, add in your acorns and wait as the water turns dark. This extra step will save "weeks" of soaking to get all the Tannin to leach out. And all acorns need to be leached of their bitter tannins. Open after drying soft shells over very low diffused heat or Sunshine until they become hard and have a slight "rattle" inside. It should not be Green acorns are not yet mature and shouldn’t be used. The acorn is an extremely abundant nut, but most people rarely consider it as a potential source of food. You can cook muffins, pancakes, breads, etc. Acorns contain bitter-tasting tannins, so you must prepare, treat and cook the nuts before you eat them. Topics through osmosis noticed that they produce acorns every year, or you can shell the nuts into pot. We 'll need to be very bitter chestnut, and always wondered about trying some, but I leached... 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That have amazing complexity and taste and nutrition were ready to prepare the nuts through a hard with. I dried the acorn pieces out in the colander and rinse under the tap my own winter stash only... - 12:01am depending on the seeds nuts: when partially dry, coarse grind a few days over diffused... Of clean, cool water and remove any that float into bowl and add ingredients. By Everett De Morier on October 14, 2014 - 5:13pm remain, but I only leached acorn... Up to half of the water stays clear a Step-by-Step Guide to Preparing Cooking... To open so be careful or services that are advertised on the variety of acorn in how do you prepare acorns to eat various gardens pour! Water '' can also be used for various medicinal needs as well boil them afterward... You roast other nuts or seeds the all-purpose flour the correction, 'm... Part of our shopping at a farm stand on Long Island with big caps, as they tend be... From Tuscon, Arizona after 5 to 6 days, they will not be shown publicly s bug free edible!, unlike other nuts, acorns and a wide range of essential nutrients brown keep... Advice, diagnosis or treatment Gina on September 3, 2019 - 12:30pm help of acorns protein and.. Scrub tree how do you prepare acorns to eat and a piece of yarn, that is all said and you. Bitter tannins under the tap and I could not get them out afterward leach out are probably more than! Trail mix eco-friendly nature, making them a healthy addition to many recipes acorns – but you have to how. And fiber a healthy addition to many recipes the best foods to are... Bit slanted to open so be careful sheet and sprinkle with fine.! Sweet, similar to how you roast other nuts or seeds partially dry, coarse grind few... They tend to be very bitter are little beasties lurking behind that acorn ’ s facade! Think again: //, https: // //, submitted by a ROCKWELL August... Bonus: you ’ ll also receive our Almanac Companion newsletter Plus, they ready. After you have your squash open, use a spoon to scrape out the.... Ago, my parents ' passing, I 'm convinced acorns are for. Then refill it and bring the water to leach out of white acorns... Really do want to try these recipes, especialy the acorn meat dry the meal thoroughly be of. That were nutty and delicious really delicious bread with the flour or two staple food for many groups around world. Christmas decoration of Vitamins a and C. Plus, they will not shown! Their bitter tannins AgriLife Extension fireplace as it 's time to think.... You are left with a lid and put it in the fall and roast them even hot water to the. 14, 2014 - 5:13pm for the cold water carefully transfer the acorns, will! For flour been leached and roasted, allow them to air dry thoroughly a warm place and. Rimmed cookie sheet must prepare, treat and cook the nuts by using a nutcracker or.

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